Monday, October 20, 2008

Monster Massive

I want to go so bad

holy moly

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Haha wow. This is why I always told myself to never get caught up with my emotions or let my emotions do the thinking for me. I can't stand this, I normally do not let myself get hurt. Oh man.

I blame myself.


I never let this happen before, maybe once. But that was not as upsetting as this time. Honestly I have no idea why I am letting this get to me. But for some reason it is, agh. I think I am giving up on any thing that may lead to a relationship for a while. Just not working for me. I am not going to stay here so there is nothing here for me.

I should have just stuck with what I have always said and that is that Im just going to "DO ME"

I just want to move to San Francisco already.

"Is this the kind of sound that you want to hear?
Is this the kind of vibe that you want to feel?
Cuz I’m the type of guy that you’ll never fear
You can do your thing then come near
Maybe I’m caught up in the thing that you know I like
See we can make time baby overnight
Or we could make a grand escape
We can roll high on our break
I’m all about the look that you’re giving me
I’m all about the dance moves you’re letting free
Well I’m all about a sweet sounding loving spree
Listen for my melody
Maybe I’m caught up in the thing that you know I like
We can make time baby overnight
We could make a grand escape
And we can roll high by the way
When we come down
We’ll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
Baby that’s all I got

This is the kind of sound that I want to hear
This is the kind of vibe that I want to feel
And you’re the type of girl baby on the real
Check it one time, what’s the deal?
Maybe I’m caught up in the thing that you know I like
See we can make time baby overnight
Or we could make a grand escape
And we can roll high by the way"

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So fuck like all this shit has been happening it seems all at once.

I don't even know what yo do anymore.
Actually I do, but I can't share that information with you.

So just to kinda summarize this weekend, it was amazing. Had fun went and partied the night away then came outside to see that my car was missing. I was super confused (mostly due to the intoxication) but I have never experienced something like that before. Comes to find out that it was towed. I was kinda hoping it was stolen, but what can you do.

So after getting a hold of this tow truck place. We find out that my bill is $254.00. Like seriously WTF so I just could not pull that money out of my ass. So I had to call in the parentals. Well just one, my mom. And now I know she is never going to let me live it down. UGH whatever. I honestly just was so upset the whole morning.

We didn't find out my car was gone till like 4 am, then after driving to the tow truck place and finding out the price. I got my shit and left so I could just figure it out in the morning. And I pretty much cried my self to sleep, and this morning. Damn being all stressed out. haha
Well I got my cars anyways. Good thing... I have to do to many things in life. I kinda need my car.

ugh Im still stressed, gonna go try to relax and take a bath.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Experience

OH my goodness. I think this weekend was on of the best I have had in pretty much for ever. I had missed the emotion of the crowd. The yelling and chanting of the fans. Being all sweaty and still feeling pumped with excitement.
This weekend I went to the Fresno State vs. UCLA game.

Boy was it the best game ever. I have no had that much fun since high school.

DRANK, had eye ball/allergy problems, was super hot, almost got into a fight, cheering like crazy and almost dying of a heat stroke, getting a headache and feeling sick, more celebrating and drinking, then after party are just a little bit of what happened.

I have more pictures that I will post later but I had a lot of fun.
Cannot wait till the next game.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have awoke, is that right? Well now I feel this is going to be use a lot more to just help relieve my mind. (I know I know I de ja vu right?)

Well hopefully I stick through with it. Its just one of those things I feel I should do.

So much has changed lately, it is pure MADNESS.
I feel like life just keep flying be me, oh man.

I try to look at each day and see what happened and like how it effected me.
I want to do so much and I am focused, I just hope throughout all this madness I do not forget to look at each day and appreciate what is in front of me.

I feel like I live everyday out of my car, haha. It is the means of transportation for me to get from one point to another in my life to keep on advancing me. Insane.
What happened to the good ole days of just cruising around in the car singing loudly?
I miss them

And other things I keep thinking about are all the people I have lost touch with. I hate it. I really do. But it is so hard to keep in touch with people who do not try to keep in touch with you. I guess I could try harder.

Last note before I leave. I think once I'm done with my schooling and taking over America. I'm running away to Thailand. (best time of my life)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Just wanted everyone to know that I am alive and I will be on here again.
I pretty much forgot that this place exsisted lol.

But I need to vent some more
So keep posted.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I love this

if you have an hour.

watch this.... oh man.

This guy is great.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


SATURDAY! [Thai New Years On Hollywood BLVD]

My Mentor and My Love. Is my Thai Dance coach and also my Pageant Trainer. I'm going to be in the Songkran Pageant in LA next year... Who will come support me? =/

Some Sweet Classical Thai Costumes .

This girl and her brother sing beautiful Thai Music, and no they are not Thai. They are from Sweden. =]]] Her Brother is featured below.

MISTER FINE MEN OF ASIA USA. lmao. Yeahhh I also got some photos with em, but those are just for me. Teehee

Thai New Years Spent In LA This Weekend.


[Wat Thai of L.A.]

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Willingly Ignorant

If it were up to me, I'd put all them on an Island so they all could be amongst there own kind. Enjoying their eternal bliss...

Just more and more i'm getting tired of people.

Please just educate yourself kids. =]]]
If the children we have today are going to be the children of our future.
I'm very worried about yours and my future.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
-A. Einstien

Monday, March 24, 2008

Egg madness

Well today was a pretty amazing Easter Day.

Spent time with familia, and made some new friends.

Got to get down with that GH3.

Then with the sweet Wii action.

I learned that Dr. Eggman pwns.

I kick butt at Dream Platform.


try it, love this game.

Andddd well I ate way more than I should, but I don't give a damn.

Worked it all out on the Wii.

I finally got my fixed of Rockstar Mochas.


so good.

If you have not tried them, please do. Thanks to Chris for making the Rockstar run with me.


Hope everyone had a good Easter

lmao,"let's kill"

Friday, March 21, 2008


What love got to do with it?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just breathe

[short snipet from my life]

Nice crisp air brushes my cheek.
I was walking, or supposed to be jogging. But walks just work a little better sometimes.

I love moments like this

"So who do you like better? *** or ****"


more and more of these questions.

Seems everyone was so interested in my business as usual.

I try to focus on the walk more so than the conversation, but being the only two out at night it's kind of hard.

I told her the differences between the two "prospects" but realized thats not really what I was interested in. Is it so hard to ask for a friend? Why does this [blank] or [blank], whatever the choice adjectives were for the individual, have to automatically be pointed to the level of relationships.
We continued on our walk...question after question after question.
I'll satisfy your curosity for now.

I started singing this song in my head. lmao
how my mind wonders in the middle of conversations.
I love my thoughts... they are what keep me up at night, much like this night. Only this tale will be cut short. Because that's how I roll... like and eighteen wheeler.

Take that.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


My mind drives me crazy.

I want to start Thai dancing again. It was a way out of all the stresses in life.


Monday, March 10, 2008


I love snow.

I forgot what it looked like.
Its been more than 7 years or so.

Monday, March 3, 2008


AZ for a two days one night was pretty interesting.

well just enjoy the photos.
I shall be back soon my loves.

Das wifey right thur.

How cute is this dog? I want one

Kais and I =]]]

Zach Flo and Jenn Co

Jenny and Chado-san

Gregorious Maximus

Mister Joey and I

Yes.... The best part. Even if it was only for 20 mins of car washing and 10 mins of saying bye!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is that alright?

found my butterfly knife yeeee!

tagged by Dabid <3

--Once you're tagged, you have to write a blog with 13 weird or random facts about yourself. At the end, you choose 13 people to be tagged, listing their names. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

1. My first kiss was not till 7th grade, and it really was not a good experience. He was a shove his tounge down your throat kinda guy. =/

2. I am addicted to Caffeine. Starbucks is my drug, or more recently Latte Rockstars, they are so bomb.

3. I have come to the realization that people who have allergies is not a laughing matter. I know the world now hates me for making me have to suffer through this.

4. I absolutely cannot stand beer. But I can drink it like no other during a game of beer pong.

5. If I find a song I absolutely love, I will listen to that song seriously 24/7. For at least 2 days, possibly more if it is that good.

6. I do not trust many people.

7. I never had a good relationship with my mom. I thought my mom did not love me because she never told me "I love you". We are past that now, and I dunno what I would do without her

8. I like a guy who is hella agressive, when needed. No bitch ass men here.

9. I pretty much played Diablo II for about 2 years of my life. Yes I had a level 99 bow-zon and a lvl 97 zon. Meph runs and the cow lvls were my fave.

10. I love to drive in LA traffic and have my music blasting uber loud.

11. My mom cut my hair super short when I was like 7. Seriously like above my ears, I'll scan a pic and put it on here. It was the worst hair style of my life. I ditched a couple days in 4 or 5 grade so I would not have to go in class with my haircut.

12. I use to own two birds as pets. They died.

13. I have never met anyone like Dabid. =]]]

1) Justin
2) Kaiser
3) Lily
4) Jed
5) LJ
6) Evetter
7) Nhi Ho
8) Lance
9) Tonito
10) Brandon
11) Tia
12) Julio
13) YOU reading this. Yes you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You already know.

Walkin around with a half smirk (p.s I took alot of photos in that sweater. haha)

Headaches alot lately.

Why me?

To much on my mind.
Just another one of those days.
Ever had em?
Hope not, not always the best of days, nor is it the worst of days. Just ONE of those days.

30mins nip/tuck season finale.

Cant believe that bitch Eden shot Julia.

"When your ready to get down, then girl choose me, choose me"

Brain is processing at a top speed of 1billion thoughts per min.
Think you can keep up?
Hello and bye bye
I leave yall ass in the past like tie-dye
Two blunts and a Mai Tai.

If you dont believe me then leave me be.

Man, week is almost over.
PayDay Friday.
Work tomorrow.
Weekend-LA business, time to get crunk.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Singles Awareness Day

Valentines day, bah.

I feel like the Scrooge of Valentines day. No it's not becuase I do not have a Valentine, I could care less. No it's not because I want guys to buy me stuff and take me out to amazing restaurants. I just do not care for it.

Why do you have to have a day to show your love and affection for someone? Why does it have to be nationalized? Ehh whatever, eff it. Just another bomb ass day to me. Because everyday I live is a bomb ass day, because I am alive, and I am living life.


Random note:

Being around children is the best contraceptive ever. Having taking care of my GodParents kids makes me not want kids at all. But I know one day it'll happen, but hot damn, I will do everything in my power to avoid that day lol.

I gave up looking for boys for lent, Nico told me that I had to.

I never really looked for guys though, seem they always found me and he was around.

My heart is happy and content with all the people in my life right now, I am not looking for anything. Sorry... It'll take something to amazingly life changing for me to give up my dreams and goals I am chasing. You'll be lucky if I show interest... haha. I'm doing me right now.

Nobody is gettin in the way of that.


=]]] Lovin Life. Ohhh Happy Singles Awareness Day to ALL



cracks me up at the end.

ohh and

my fave guys part 2 story.


oh man such a great vids these guys make.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Asian Festivities...

So lets roll film.

Rolling up was really cool, greated by two giant dragons

I think the streets will be polluted with confetti for the rest of the week

Welcome the year of the Rat!!

More Confetti, it was out of control.

This guy was serious with the baton twirling, he was really good too!

This was the best performance I saw, they were hella stunt devils

Seriously where do you find these guys?

This lady I hope ran away before the lighting of the firecrackers

WATCH, Kodak moments!

Hot damn, it was out of control

Those guys probably got burned to take their photos

The guys in the suit, again out of control, like inches from these firecrackers. They would pretend like the dog was biting the firecrackers, crazy!

The mess left after all the thousands of firecrackers went off.

Again more confetti! Ahh

The street were a mess... the asian babies were so cute!


The whole experience was really neat, I think next year I will got to San Fran's China Town for their new years. =]]]

Oh and the greatest part of my trip...

I met Optimus Prime.


Haha was a great trip.... to much fun.
