Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Singles Awareness Day

Valentines day, bah.

I feel like the Scrooge of Valentines day. No it's not becuase I do not have a Valentine, I could care less. No it's not because I want guys to buy me stuff and take me out to amazing restaurants. I just do not care for it.

Why do you have to have a day to show your love and affection for someone? Why does it have to be nationalized? Ehh whatever, eff it. Just another bomb ass day to me. Because everyday I live is a bomb ass day, because I am alive, and I am living life.


Random note:

Being around children is the best contraceptive ever. Having taking care of my GodParents kids makes me not want kids at all. But I know one day it'll happen, but hot damn, I will do everything in my power to avoid that day lol.

I gave up looking for boys for lent, Nico told me that I had to.

I never really looked for guys though, seem they always found me and he was around.

My heart is happy and content with all the people in my life right now, I am not looking for anything. Sorry... It'll take something to amazingly life changing for me to give up my dreams and goals I am chasing. You'll be lucky if I show interest... haha. I'm doing me right now.

Nobody is gettin in the way of that.


=]]] Lovin Life. Ohhh Happy Singles Awareness Day to ALL


Anonymous said...

yay for life, boo for single's awareness day... you know what the abbreviation for that is?




Jenn.Co said...


rewface said...

i second the children as contraceptive. they should have babies come into high schools for a day or so.
& yeah, v-day sucks. but i'm sure i'll say something different if someone wants to give me a big'ol rock for v-day.